Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cheeky On T.V!

Whilst watching an episode of George and Mildred the other day I noticed that during the church jumble sale Tristram Fourmile (played by Nicholas Bond-Owen) picked up a pile of comics. At first I thought the comics were Whizzer and Chips, but I soon spotted the recognisable 'Cheeky' logo. I now know it to be Cheeky issue three, confirmed by the Skateboard Squad Booklet on the back cover.

Scan from Cheeky Weekly site.

Cheeky appeared on T.V numerous times, and over on the Cheeky Weekly blog Niblet has found quite a few of them including, as I have just discovered and updated this post for, this appearance! But it's here for those of you who didn't see it over on the Cheeky blog.


Niblet said...

Thanks for the link - George and Mildred is a great old British sitcom!

Anonymous said...

I've been watching "Educating Marmalade", a recent DVD release from Network (who also did the George & Mildred DVDs). In one episode Marmalade reads a copy of 2000AD. In another episode ("Short Sharp Shock"), Marmalade ends up in prison and organises for all the prisoners to get comics. Various IPC and DCT titles can be seen on display.